RealTerm is a third party terminal emulator application that allows users to send batch files and log binary messages. The binary logging capabilities are not present in HyperTerminal, a popular third party terminal emulator. HyperTerminal only allows for ASCII logging which means larger files taking up more CPU. It is always recommended to log in binary. RealTerm can be downloaded from
1. Open RealTerm
2. go to Port tab and specify baud rate, PC port, parity, data bits, stop bits, and hardware flow control. Click on Open to open port
3. Click on the console window and type: LOG VERSION (or any other command). The characters typed are not going to be echoed but the command response and logs will be output.
4. Go to the Capture tab and specify filepath of file to be saved. Click on Start:Overwrite
5. Go to Send tab and select the text file in the Dump File to Port section. Click on Send File.
6. At this point, data should be getting logged to file. When done logging, go to Capture tab and click on Stop Capture.