Trusted, mission-ready, electronic defense products are critical to success. Hexagon | NovAtel is a leader in this domain with over 30 years experience producing innovative technologies that ensures accurate and reliable assured positioning, navigation and timing measurements (APNT) for successful military operations.
Radio frequency (RF) interference, jamming and spoofing are growing threats across land, sea, air, space and cyberspace. Wherever you operate, NovAtel is ready to support you by providing APNT solutions to build resiliency and protection against these threats.
Jamming seeks to overpower your positioning systems and sensors, increasing friction in military tactics by slowing down targeting procedures and adding difficulty to operations. Spoofing falsifies positioning data, raising the stakes by deceiving your system. Additionally, GPS and GNSS receivers are often embedded in complex systems where the consequences of jamming or spoofing may not be apparent until they are experienced.
As a trustworthy and experienced original equipment manufacturer (OEM), NovAtel can protect your people, operations and assets through GNSS protection, with robust OEM7 multi-constellation, multi-frequency receivers, GPS Anti-Jam Technology (GAJT) and SPAN GNSS+INS technology. Situational awareness is provided through our OEM7 GNSS Resilience and Integrity Technology (GRIT) firmware suite and jammer direction-finding in our GAJT portfolio.
Cyber-electromagnetic activities (CEMA) occurring in contested environments requires a layer of resiliency and protection. Our solutions offer protection from interference and intentional GNSS jamming for continuously available and reliable APNT.
Situational awareness is vital for APNT, especially within contested environments. Understanding CEMA for intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) is critical for intelligence preparation of the battlefield, conduct of operations and cueing countermeasures. It also enables identifying the source of jamming activities. NovAtel’s APNT solutions detect, locate and characterise jammers and interference for enhanced situational awareness.
Protection for every platform. GPS Anti-Jam Technology (GAJT) anti-jam antenna systems are battle-proven assured positioning, navigation and timing (APNT) solutions.
Build GNSS resiliency and integrity with GRIT to mitigate the effects of interference on your position, navigation and timing measurements.
Card level GNSS receivers in multiple hardware and software configurations.
Compact, single enclosure GPS+INS system.
Firmware that provides high precision attitude and accurate relative positioning information between two or more receivers in dynamic land, air and marine applications.
Waypoint builds on decades of NovAtel positioning expertise to leverage data with unmatched confidence for users requiring a source of truth for their post-mission...