The Waypoint Software Development Kit (SDK) delivers complete control over the GrafNav and Inertial Explorer post-processing functions. Base station downloads, data conversion, data processing, solution output and quality control can all be customised to meet the requirements of any application.
With complete access to the trajectory information, the Waypoint SDK allows you to set rules for determining if the survey meets your accuracy requirements. Whether you have a few systems or hundreds, automated post-processing improves results while saving time and money by increasing the speed of your workflow.
Nearly all of functionality contained in Waypoint’s GrafNav and Inertial Explorer software is accessible. Embed GNSS or GNSS+INS processing functionality right into your software, provide an optimised workflow for your customers and increase the value of your software products. Two separate interfaces are available:
The flagship Waypoint software product, Inertial Explorer maximises the accuracy of your GNSS+INS trajectory post-mission with tightly coupled integration for generating...