
This tutorial applies to customers who wish to activate a new software-based license or upgrade an existing license in order to use Waypoint software. Please note that an Internet connection is required. If you do not have an Internet connection, please contact for instructions on conducting a Manual Activation.

1. Install Software

Install the Waypoint software that you intend to use. Please contact Customer Support if you need help locating the setup file on the FTP server.

2. Open NovAtel Local License Manager

All versions of Waypoint software will create a program group in Windows©. Within the software’s program group is a Utilities folder. Navigate to this folder using the Start button in Windows and open the Local License Manager. Alternatively, you can navigate to the software’s installation folder on your computer and open the LLMForm.exe file.


If you are upgrading an existing license, you will first need to “Return” the original license. Do this by selecting your existing license under “Local Licenses” and then selecting “Return”.


3. Enter the Activation ID

Copy the alpha-numeric Activation ID that was provided to you by Customer Support and paste it into the box under the Activate License branch.


4. Activate Your License

Once the Activation ID has been entered, click the Activate button.


5. Confirm the Activation

If the license was successfully activated, you will see it appear under the Local Licenses branch. Click on the license to see the relevant information. If you have activated a term license, then the expiration date will be displayed here.


If the activation fails, please contact Customer Support (